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Ladies and Gentlemen, de.linkedin.com/pub/viktoria-kamann-krongardt/68/a0a/386/ I am contractor (self employed). I am Manager. I have experience in change management, CAPA/Deviation/OOS, lean Quality Control & Manufacturing & Quality Management , Supply Chain, Marketing,and developing of people, while working with business and fuctional leaders. Information about me: www.qs-qk-service.de • Doctor Certified Physician-Biochemist and Microbiologist, Qualified Person (EU, USA) •Problem solving in the areas of quality control and sales, QM, QA, QC My carreer history includes more than 14 years with global activities in aseptic injectables, manufacturing, Quality Control, lean Quality Control and formulation development (Company Bela pharm, Vechta). I have qualification and working expirience in Distribution of Molecular Diagnostic Product, Immunohitochemistry and bisiness topics with degrees in Medicin (Degree:Doctor Biochemist /Microbiologist+Magna cum lande). I stydied MBA, Private Universität Oldenburg. I am studing Qualified Person in England (NSF-DBA). I am for innovation. •8 years of Expirience as Microbiologist, focusing on Pharma Industry,CAPA/Deviations, Quality Control and Quality Assurance •Highly motivated, efficient and solution-oriented •Microbiologist, Expert Microbiology, Biochemist , Quality Management, Manufacturing, Supply Chain