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Sphinx Scientific Laboratory Corporation is a CRO company and is very strong in organic synthesis from milligrams to kilograms: We have 40 chemists; 64 fume hoods in R&D labs; 9 walking hoods in kilo labs and reactors range from 50-200 liters in size. There are NMR, LC-MS, GC-MS, analytical HPLC and preparative HPLC in our analysis center. If you need custom synthesis or contract service, please let me know and I believe that Sphinx will deliver compounds with the shortest lead time because: 2-3 chemists are usually assigned on one project and the project runs 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The chemists always work 8 hours a day and take shift. In-house analysis service is available for monitoring reaction and characterization 24 hours a day. Regarding the intellectual property, we will sign Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA) with your company and Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) are signed between sphinx and employees. If you are interested and need the more detailed information, please let me know. Thanks. If necessary or possible, please kindly forward this email to the related people or department. Your kind help will be highly appreciated. We are looking forward to serving you the best in the near future. Welcome to visit us at Booth 24, 2013 ChemOutsourcing. Thanks and Best regards, Jeff